Anindya Ghose
November 2024: Addressing Imminent Antitrust and Regulatory Issues in AI, London.
November 2024: Addressing Imminent Antitrust and Regulatory Issues in AI, Brussels.
October 2024: Panelist & Mentor, Doctoral Consortium, INFORMS-CIST, Seattle.
October 2024: Thriving with AI – Deploying the House of AI for Competitive Advantage, Keynote Speech, HEC Paris.
September 2024: IS Research Challenges and Opportunities in the Age of Generative AI, Panelist, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.
September 2024: Thriving with AI – Deploying the House of AI for Competitive Advantage, Seminar, University of Southern California, Los Angeles.
August 2024: Thriving with AI – Maximizing Well Being in the Age of AI, AI Summer Series, NetElixir.
July 2024: How Academic Research Influences Global Litigations in Antitrust and Privacy, Seminar, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
July 2024: Thriving with AI – Deploying the House of AI for Competitive Advantage, Seminar, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul.
April 2024: Keynote Speech. Towards Building An AI-Based Organization: The Four Pillars Framework, IIM Americas Conference.
April 2024: How Academic Research Influences Global Litigations in Antitrust and Privacy, Seminar, University of Texas at Austin.
March 2024: Keynote. How Academic Research Influences Global Litigations in Antitrust and Privacy, Digital Economy Workshop, Erasmus University, Rotterdam.
December 2023: Mobile Health, Antitrust and Privacy, Seminar, Carnegie Mellon University.
October 2023: Mobile Health, Antitrust and Privacy, High Tower Seminar, Emory University.
September 2023: Keynote Speech. Towards Using AI to Improve Business and Society, World Knowledge Forum, Seoul.
August 2023: Keynote Speech. Building The Next Generation AI Organization: A Multi Pillar Framework, Estoril Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.
August 2023: Panelist. AI Unleashed, Estoril Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.
April 2023: Keynote Speech. Towards Building An AI-Based Organization: The Four Pillars Framework, Hi! Paris Conference, Paris, France.
January 2023: Empowering Patients Using Smart Mobile Health Platforms: Evidence From A Randomized Field Experiment, Seminar, Tulane University.
October 2022: Mobile Health, Antitrust and Privacy, Annual Marketing Camp, University of Connecticut.
September 2022: Mobile Health, Antitrust and Privacy, Seminar, University of Miami.
September 2022: Keynote Speech. Towards Building An AI-Based Organization: The Four Pillars Framework, World Knowledge Forum, Seoul, South Korea.
August 2022: Keynote Speech. Towards Building An AI-Based Organization: The Four Pillars Framework, Data Driven Business, São Paulo, Brazil.
June 2022: Keynote Speech, Mobile Health, Antitrust and Privacy, National University of Singapore.
May 2022: Keynote Speech, Empowering Patients Using Smart Mobile Health Platforms: Evidence From A Randomized Field Experiment, Workshop on Human-AI Interaction, American University.
April 2022: Keynote Speech, Monetizing Smartphone Data for Improving Business and Society, AIS India Chapter.
April 2022: Empowering Patients Using Smart Mobile Health Platforms: Evidence From A Randomized Field Experiment, Seminar, Northwestern University, Kellogg.
April 2022: Empowering Patients Using Smart Mobile Health Platforms: Evidence From A Randomized Field Experiment, Seminar, Annual Marketing Camp, Rice University.
February 2022: Monetizing Academic Research: Doing Research That Matters, IIT Kharagpur, India.
January 2022: Monetizing Smartphone Data for Improving Business and Society, IIM Calcutta, India.​
December 2021: Keynote Speech. Empowering Patients Using Smart Mobile Health Platforms: Evidence From A Randomized Field Experiment, 13th Annual Behavioral Operations Management Conference, China.
August 2021: Keynote Speech. Monetizing Smartphone Data for Improving Business and Society, National University of Singapore Global Research Forum on Computational Social Science.
June 2021: Empowering Patients Using Smart Mobile Health Platforms: Evidence From A Randomized Field Experiment, Webinar, CVS-Aetna Keynote.
April 2021: Empowering Patients Using Smart Mobile Health Platforms: Evidence From A Randomized Field Experiment, Webinar, IIM Udaipur.
February 2021: Empowering Patients Using Smart Mobile Health Platforms: Evidence From A Randomized Field Experiment, Webinar, Dartmouth College.
February 2021: Empowering Patients Using Smart Mobile Health Platforms: Evidence From A Randomized Field Experiment, Digital Leadership Series, Webinar, Boston University.
January 2021: Empowering Patients Using Smart Mobile Health Platforms: Evidence From A Randomized Field Experiment, Webinar, University of Georgia.
November 2020: Empowering Patients Using Smart Mobile Health Platforms: Evidence From A Randomized Field Experiment, Webinar, University of British Columbia.
November 2020: Empowering Patients Using Smart Mobile Health Platforms: Evidence From A Randomized Field Experiment, Webinar, University of Washington.
October 2020: Empowering Patients Using Smart Mobile Health Platforms: Evidence From A Randomized Field Experiment, Webinar, Harvard Business School.
July 2020: Mobile Targeting Using Customer Trajectory Patterns, Webinar, IIM Ahmedabad.
May 2020: Technology in the Post Covid World, TEDx Gateway Webinar, TED.
May 2020: Mobile Targeting Using Customer Trajectory Patterns, Webinar, Virtual Digital Economy Seminar.
May 2020: Trading Privacy for the Greater Social Good: How Did America React During COVID-19, Carlson School MIS Online Seminar.
May 2020: Using AI, Tech and Data Science to Combat Health Pandemics, NetElixir Expert Series Webinar.
May 2020: Using AI, Tech and Data Science to Combat Health Pandemics, YPO Philippines-Asia Webinar Event.
April 2020: Using AI, Tech and Data Science to Combat Health Pandemics, NYU Stern COVID-19 Webinar Series.