Anindya Ghose
Monetizing the Mobile Economy & Data Privacy
Projects on trade-offs between data privacy and economic value
Projects on mobile advertising and location-based mobile coupons
Projects on mobile commerce and mobile crowdsensing
Projects on wearable technologies, internet-of-things and healthcare
Social Media and User-Generated Content
- Projects on text mining and its application to user-generated content in social media
Projects on harnessing social media to design ranking systems for product search engines
Platforms & Digital Marketing/Advertising
- Projects on digital attribution.
Projects on measuring effectiveness of digital advertising.
Projects on measuring annoyance effects of digital advertising
Digtal Platforms & Crowdfunding
Projects on investor and entrprenuer behavior in rewards-based and equity-based crowdfunding platforms
Projects on platform design and privacy controls in crowdfunding
Projects on information hiding in crowdfunding markets
Projects on AI
& Gen AI
- Projects on the Impact of Generative AI on Advertising Effectiveness
• Projects on the Impact of Generative AI on Content Creators
• Projects on the Impact of Generative AI on Digital Platforms
Journal Publications
Molitor, D., M. Spann, A. Ghose, and P. Reichhart. 2024. Mobile Push versus Pull Targeting and Geo-Conquesting. Forthcoming, Information Systems Research.
Ghose, A., H. Lee, K. Nam, and W. Oh. 2023. The Effects of Pressure and Self-Assurance Nudges on Product Purchases and Returns in Online Retailing: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment, Journal of Marketing Research.
Xu, Y., A. Ghose and B. Xiao. 2023. Mobile Payment Adoption: An Empirical Investigation on Alipay, Information Systems Research.
Cohen, M., C. Fernandez, and A. Ghose. 2023. Evolution of Referrals over Customers’ Life Cycle: Evidence from a Ride-Sharing Platform, Information Systems Research.
Ghose, A., H. Lee, W. Oh, and Y. Son. 2023. Leveraging the Digital Tracing Alert in Virus Fight: The Impact of COVID-19 Cell Broadcast on Population Movement, Information Systems Research.
Macha, M., N. Foutz, B. Li, and A. Ghose. 2023. Personalized Privacy Preservation in Consumer Mobile Trajectories, Information Systems Research.
Xu, Y., B. Lu, A. Ghose, H. Dai, and W. Zhou. 2023. The Interplay of Earnings, Ratings, and Penalties on Sharing Platforms: An Empirical Investigation, Management Science.
Joo, M., S. Kim, A. Ghose, and K. Wilbur. 2023. Designing Distributed Ledger technologies, like Blockchain, for Advertising Markets, International Journal of Research in Marketing.
Ghose, A., B. Li, X. Guo and Y. Dang. 2022. Empowering Patients Using Smart Mobile Health Platforms: Evidence From A Randomized Field Experiment, MIS Quarterly.
Adamopolous, P., A. Ghose, and A. Tuzhilin. 2021. Heterogeneous Demand Effects of Recommendation Strategies in a Mobile Application: Evidence from Econometric Models and Machine-Learning Instruments, MIS Quarterly.
Sun, C., P. Adamopoulos, A. Ghose, and X. Luo. 2022. Predicting Stages in Omnichannel Path to Purchase: A Deep Learning Model, Information Systems Research.
Adamopolous, P., A. Ghose, and V. Todri. 2021. The Business Value of the Internet-of-Things: Evidence from an Online Retailer. Information Systems Research.
Xu, Y., M. Armony and A Ghose. 2020. The Interplay between Online Reviews and Physician Demand: An Empirical Investigation, Management Science.
Cui, T, A. Ghose, H. Halaburda, R. Iyengar, K. Pauwels, S Sriram, C. Tucker, and S.Venkataraman. 2020. Informational Challenges in Omnichannel Marketing: Remedies and Future Research, Journal of Marketing.
Todri, V., A. Ghose, and P. Singh. 2020. Trade-offs in Online Advertising: Modeling and Measuring Advertising Effectiveness and Annoyance Dynamics, Information Systems Research.
Ghose, A., B. Li, and S. Liu. 2019. Mobile Advertising Using Customer Trajectory Patterns, Management Science.
Ghose, A., H. Kwon, D. Lee, and W. Oh. 2019. Seizing the Commuting Moment: Contextual Targeting based on Mobile Transportation Apps, Information Systems Research.
Chan, J., Mojumdar, P., and A. Ghose. 2019. The Digital Sin City: An Empirical Study of Craigslist’s Impact on Prostitution Trends, Information Systems Research.
Adamopoulos, P., A. Ghose, and V. Todri. 2018. Estimating the Impact of User Personality Traits on Word-of-Mouth: Text-mining Microblogging Platforms, Information Systems Research.
Ghose, A., P. Ipeirotis, and B. Li. 2017. Modeling Consumer Footprints on Search Engines: An Interplay with Social Media, Management Science.
Zhang, S., P. Singh, and A. Ghose. 2017. A Structural Analysis of the Role of Superstars in Crowdsourcing Contests, Information Systems Research.
Burtch, G., A. Ghose, and S. Wattal. 2016. Secret Admirers: Examining the Antecedents and Consequences of Crowdfunder Information Hiding, Information Systems Research.
Xu, K., J. Chan, A. Ghose, and S. Han. 2016. Battle of the Channels: The Impact of Tablets on Digital Commerce, Management Science.
Ghose, A. and V. Todri. 2016. Towards Digital Attribution: Measuring the Impact of Display Advertising on Online Consumer Behavior, MIS Quarterly.
Chan, J., A. Ghose, and R. Seamans. 2016. The Internet and Racial Hate Crime: Offline Spillovers from Online Access, MIS Quarterly.
Andrews, M., X. Luo, D. Zhang, and A. Ghose. 2015. Mobile Ad Effectiveness: Hyper-Contextual Targeting with Crowdedness, Marketing Science.
Huang, Y., P. Singh, and A. Ghose. 2015. A Structural Model of Employee Behavioral Dynamics in Enterprise Social Media, Management Science.
Burtch, G., A. Ghose, and S. Wattal. 2015. The Hidden Cost of Accommodating Crowdfunder Privacy Preferences: A Randomized Field Experiment, Management Science.
Ghose, A., and S. Han. 2014. Estimating Demand for Mobile Apps in the New Economy, Management Science.
Lambrecht, A., A. Goldfarb, A. Bonatti, A. Ghose, Dan Goldstein, R. Lewis, A. Rao, N. Sahni, S. Yao. 2014. How do Firms Make Money Online, Marketing Letters.
Chan, J., A. Ghose. 2014. Internet's Dirty Secret: Assessing the Impact of Online Intermediaries on HIV Transmission, MIS Quarterly.
Burtch, G., A. Ghose, S. Wattal. 2014. Cultural Differences and Geography as Determinants of Online Pro-Social Lending, MIS Quarterly.
Ghose, A., P. Ipeirotis, B. Li. 2013. Examining the Impact of Ranking and Consumer Behavior on Search Engine Revenue, Management Science.
Burtch, G., A. Ghose, S. Wattal. 2013. An Empirical Examination of the Antecedents and Consequences of Investment Patterns in Crowd-Funded Markets, Information Systems Research, 24(3), 491-519.(Lead Article).
Ghose, A., A. Goldfarb, S. Han. 2013. How is the Mobile Internet Different? Search Costs and Local Activities, Information Systems Research, 24(3), 613-631.
Ghose, A., P. Ipeirotis, and B. Li. 2012. Designing Ranking Systems for Hotels on Travel Search Engines by Mining User-Generated and Crowd-Sourced Content, Marketing Science, 31(3), 493-520.
Ghose, A., and S. Han. 2011. An Empirical Analysis of User Content Generation and Usage Behavior on the Mobile Internet, Management Science, 57(9), 1671-1691.
Archak, N., A. Ghose, and P. Ipeirotis. 2011. Deriving the Pricing Power of Product Features by Mining Consumer Reviews, Management Science, 57(8), 1485-1509.
Ghose, A., and P. Ipeirotis. 2011. Estimating the Helpfulness and Economic Impact of Product Reviews: Mining Text and Reviewer Characteristics, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 23 (10), 1498-1512.
Ghose, A., and O. Yao. 2011. Using Transaction Prices to Re-Examine Price Dispersion in Electronic Markets, Information Systems Research,22(2), 269–288.
Dhar, V., and A. Ghose. 2010 Sponsored Search and Market Efficiency, Information Systems Research, 21(4), 760-772
Yang, S., and A. Ghose. 2010. Analyzing the Relationship Between Organic and Paid Search Advertising: Positive, Negative, or Zero Interdependence?, Marketing Science, 29(4), 602-623.
Ghose, A., and S. Yang. 2009. An Empirical Analysis of Search Engine Advertising: Sponsored Search in Electronic Markets, Management Science, 55 (10), 1605-162, (Lead Article).
Ghose, A., and K. Huang. 2009. Personalized Pricing and Quality Customization, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 18(4), 1095-1135(41).
Ghose, A. 2009. Internet Exchanges for Used Goods: An Empirical Analysis of Trade Patterns and Adverse Selection, MIS Quarterly,June,33(2),1-30.
Forman, C., A. Ghose, and A. Goldfarb. 2009. Competition between Local and Electronic Markets: How the Benefit of Buying Online Depends on Where You Live, Management Science, 55(1), 47-57.
Forman, C., A. Ghose, and B. Wiesenfeld. 2008. Examining the Relationship Between Reviews and Sales: The Role of Reviewer Identity Disclosure in Electronic Markets,Information Systems Research, 19(3), 291-313.
Arora N., X. Dreze, A. Ghose, J. Hess, R. Iyengar, B. Jing, Y. Joshi, V. Kumar, N. Lurie, S. Neslin, S. Sajeesh, M. Su, N. Syam, J. Thomas, and Z. Zhang. 2008. Putting One-to-One Marketing to Work: Personalization, Customization and Choice, Marketing Letters.19(3-4), 305-321(Invited Paper)
Ghose, A., T. Mukhopadhyay, and U. Rajan. 2007. Impact of Internet Referral Services on the Supply Chain, Information Systems Research 18(3), 300-319.
Ghose, A. and A. Sundararajan. 2006. Evaluating Pricing Strategy Using eCommerce Data: Evidence and Estimation Challenges,Statistical Science,21(2),131-142
Ghose, A., M. Smith, and R. Telang. 2006. Internet Exchanges for Used Books: An Empirical Analysis of Product Cannibalization and Welfare Impact, Information Systems Research, 17(1), 3-19. (Lead Article).
Ghose, A., R. Telang, and R. Krishnan. 2005. Effect of Electronic Secondary Markets on the Supply Chain, Journal of Management Information Systems 22(2), 91-120.
Choudhary, V., A. Ghose, and T. Mukhopadhyay, U. Rajan. 2005. Personalized Pricing and Quality Differentiation, Management Science 51(7), 1120-1130.
Gal-Or, E., and A. Ghose. 2005. The Economic Incentives for Sharing Security Information, Information Systems Research, 16(2), 186-208.​